Listed below are the Academy Award nominations and winners for the year 1937. The
symbol appears next to the winner in each category. Click on the name of a film, person, song or dance number in the list to display more information about that film, person, song or dance number. Or, click on a year in the column on the right to display the nominations and winners from that year.
Captains Courageous, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Dead End, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
The Good Earth, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
In Old Chicago, 20th Century-Fox.
Stage Door, RKO Radio.
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
Charles Boyer in
Conquest, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Fredric March in
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
Greta Garbo in
Camille, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Janet Gaynor in
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
Luise Rainer in
The Good Earth, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Barbara Stanwyck in
Stella Dallas, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
Thomas Mitchell in
The Hurricane, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
Roland Young in
Topper, Hal Roach; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Anne Shirley in
Stella Dallas, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
Claire Trevor in
Dead End, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
William Wellman.
Dead End, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
Richard Day.
Every Day’s a Holiday, Major Productions; Paramount.
Wiard Ihnen.
The Prisoner of Zenda, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
Lyle Wheeler.
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
Eric Stacey.
NOTE: The Assistant Director award was not given after 1937.
Dead End, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
Gregg Toland.
Harry Losee for the “
Prince Igor Suite” number from
Thin Ice, 20th Century-Fox.
LeRoy Prinz for the “
Luau” number from
Waikiki Wedding, Paramount.
NOTE: The Dance Direction award was not given after 1937.
The Hurricane, Samuel Goldwyn Productions; United Artists.
Samuel Goldwyn Studio Music Department,
Alfred Newman, head of department. (Score by
Alfred Newman)
Remember Me from
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air, Warner Bros.-First National. Music by
Harry Warren; lyrics by
Al Dubin.
Sweet Leilani from
Waikiki Wedding, Paramount. Music and lyrics by
Harry Owens.
Educated Fish, Paramount. [Color Classics Series]
The Little Match Girl, Charles Mintz; Columbia.
Charles Mintz, Producer.
The Old Mill, Walt Disney Productions; RKO Radio.
Walt Disney, Producer.
The Man Without a Country, Warner Bros. [Broadway Brevities Series]
Penny Wisdom, Pete Smith; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. [Pete Smith Specialties Series]
Pete Smith, Producer.
Popular Science J-7-1, Paramount. [Popular Science Series]
A Night at the Movies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. [Robert Benchley Series]
The Private Life of the Gannets, Skibo Productions; Educational.
Romance of Radium, Pete Smith; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. [Pete Smith Specialties Series]
Pete Smith, Producer.
Deep South, RKO Radio. [Radio Musical Comedies Series]
Should Wives Work?, RKO Radio. [Leon Errol Comedies Series]
Torture Money, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. [Crime Doesn’t Pay Series]
(Original Story)
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
William A. Wellman and
Robert Carson.
A Star Is Born, Selznick International Pictures; United Artists.
Dorothy Parker,
Alan Campbell and
Robert Carson.

Mack Sennett “for his lasting contribution to the comedy technique of the screen, the basic principles of which are as important today as when they were first put into practice, the Academy presents a Special Award to that master of fun, discoverer of stars, sympathetic, kindly, understanding comedy genius, Mack Sennett.” [Statuette]

Edgar Bergen for his outstanding comedy creation, “Charlie McCarthy.” [Wooden Statuette]

The Museum of Modern Art Film Library for its significant work in collecting films dating from 1895 to the present and for the first time making available to the public the means of studying the historical and aesthetic development of the motion picture as one of the major arts. [Scroll Certificate]

W. Howard Greene for the color photography of
A Star Is Born.
[This Award for the color photography of A Star Is Born was recommended by a committee of leading cinematographers after viewing all the color pictures made during 1937.] [Plaque]
NOTE: The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award was first presented in 1937.
(Class I)

Agfa Ansco Corporation for Agfa Supreme and Agfa Ultra Speed pan motion picture negatives.
(Class II)

Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., for the design and application to production of the Multi-Plane Camera.

Eastman Kodak Company for two fine-grain duplicating film stocks.

Farciot Edouart and
Paramount Pictures, Inc. for the development of the Paramount dual screen transparency camera setup.

Douglas Shearer and the
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department for a method of varying the scanning width of variable density sound tracks (squeeze tracks) for the purpose of obtaining an increased amount of noise reduction.
(Class III)

John Arnold and the
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Camera Department for their improvement of the semi automatic follow focus device and its application to all of the cameras used by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio.

John Livadary, Director of Sound Recording for Columbia Pictures Corporation, for the application of the bi-planar light valve to motion picture sound recording.

Thomas T. Moulton and the
United Artists Studio Sound Department for the application to motion picture sound recording of volume indicators which have peak reading response and linear decibel scales.

RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc. for the introduction of the modulated high-frequency method of determining optimum photographic processing conditions for variable width sound tracks.

Joseph E. Robbins and
Paramount Pictures, Inc. for an exceptional application of acoustic principles to the sound proofing of gasoline generators and water pumps.

Douglas Shearer and the
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department for the design of the film drive mechanism as incorporated in the ERPI 1010 reproducer.